I am a terrible blubber when it comes to sad movies. It doesn’t stop me watching them though. As long as I have a box of tissues by my side I can enjoy what can be a cathartic experience. I’ve pulled together a list of my favorite tear jerker. When you’ve finished reading please tell me which made you bawl your eyes out.
Full of all of your favorite actresses and bursting with enough emotion to bring a tear to even the most cynical man’s eye!
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Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford give memorable performances in this classic romance about lost love.
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At this point, The Notebook should always be the go to movie if you are looking for something to give you a nice cathartic cry!
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The film that spawned the song Wind Beneath My Wings, it’s a touching yet tragic but ultimately beautiful tale of friendship through the years.
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Everybody’s childhood favorite, My Girl is the perfect example of how heartbreaking yet important childhood friendships can be.
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Who could ever forget that emotional pottery scene? Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore have us crying in Ghost from start to finish!
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One of the more modern weepy classics, Blue Valentine is at times hard to watch but it is really rewarding.
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One of the classic tragic romances of Hollywood’s golden age. I don’t believe anybody who says they weren’t weeping by the end of this movie!
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Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts star in this heart wrenching tale about a new woman trying to be mother to the children of a terminally ill ex-wife.
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Do I really need to explain anything here? “I’ll never let go, Jack, I’ll never let go!”
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Another romantic classic akin to the likes of The Way We Were, it will definitely have you feeling emotional and teary!
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A classic Nicholas Sparks creation, this film is about two high school seniors who fall in love after spending years at the opposite side of the school spectrum.
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One of the all-time great weepy movies focusing on the testy relationship between a mother and daughter and the way that illness brings them together.
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Akin to any Nicholas Sparks story, this stars Miley Cyrus as a young woman who is sent away by her mother and finds love in an unexpected place.
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This is a quirky and touching tale about the wild life story of an aging old man; anything with elderly people in the movies is prone to make me cry!
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A sure fire weepy movie about the distant romance between a woman and the soldier who she loves, keeping in contact mostly through the mail whilst he is away.
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A touching and compelling story about a father with special needs who is raising his young daughter with the help of some special friends.
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A sci-fi tale that will have you gripped from minute one about the relationship between a young woman and a man who can travel between time and space.
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A powerful story by Stephen King about a magical man who is on death row for a crime that he did not commit.
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As soon as animals are involved, I become a blubbering mess, and this is certainly the case for Marley & Me!
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A sweet movie about a woman who keeps in contact with her dead husband via the letters that he left for her to discover after his passing.
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One of the sweetest and most memorable movies you are ever likely to see, everything about Forrest Gump will make you feel warm and fuzzy in side with the occasional tear!
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The first ten minutes of Up are arguably the saddest ten minutes in the history of Pixar, if not the history of cinema!
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E.T. will definitely have you reaching for the tissues, but not necessarily in a sad sense, more a sweeping emotion sense!
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Good Will Hunting not only has a touching and emotional story line, but the sight of Robin Williams in his prime is also something that tugs on the heart strings these days.
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This is a truly remarkable movie about a family who are interned in a WWII concentration camp, and the father makes his son believe that they whole thing is just an elaborate game.
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This one will hit hard for anybody who has ever had to go through a custody battle, especially Dustin Hoffman’s touching speech towards the end.
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One of the quintessential romantic dramas of early cinema, Brief Encounter will have you bawling and thinking about all the loves that you have lost along the way.
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Once again, where there are animals, there are tears! Don’t be fooled by the Disney logo, this one is straight up devastating!
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One of the most important and tragic love stories in the last twenty years of cinema, Brokeback Mountain will have weeping from about half way through all the way to the end!
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Sniff - pass me a tissue please.
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