Movies17 Best movies like Lonesome JimStream it on Starz, Starz Play Amazon Channel, DIRECTV1. Manny & Lo (1996)2. Sunshine Cleaning (2008)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video3. Dan in Real Life (2007)4. Smart People (2008)5. The Door in the Floor (2004)6. About Schmidt (2002)7. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)Stream it on Starz, DIRECTV8. Imaginary Heroes (2004)Stream it on DIRECTV, HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO Now Amazon Channel, HBO Max9. Driving Lessons (2006)10. Henry Fool (1997)11. The Road Within (2014)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video, Sundance Now12. 12 and Holding (2005)13. Love Liza (2002)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video14. Wish I Was Here (2014)Stream it on Netflix15. The Myth of Fingerprints (1997)16. The Savages (2007)Stream it on IndieFlix17. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)Stream it on DIRECTVMovies