Movies14 Best movies like 12 and Holding1. The Woodsman (2004)Stream it on Sundance Now2. Reign Over Me (2007)3. About Alex (2014)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video, Sundance Now4. Mysterious Skin (2004)Stream it on Sundance Now, Criterion Channel5. Boy A (2007)6. Half Nelson (2006)Stream it on HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO Now Amazon Channel, DIRECTV, HBO Max7. Cake (2014)8. Boyhood (2014)9. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)Stream it on Netflix10. The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005)Stream it on Sling TV11. Sling Blade (1996)12. Goodbye Solo (2008)13. Detachment (2011)14. Manchester by the Sea (2016)Stream it on Amazon Prime VideoMovies