Movies15 Best movies like LizzieStream it on Shudder, Shudder Amazon Channel1. Beautiful Boy (2018)2. Gods and Monsters (1998)Stream it on Epix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu3. Bully (2001)4. Dangerous Minds (1995)5. James White (2015)6. Gracie (2007)Stream it on Pure Flix7. Carrie (2013)8. My Friend Dahmer (2017)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video, Hulu9. Echo Park, L.A. (2006)Stream it on DIRECTV, Starz10. The Snowtown Murders (2011)11. We the Animals (2018)Stream it on Netflix12. Professor Marston & the Wonder Women (2017)Stream it on Hulu13. Boyhood (2014)14. 12 and Holding (2005)15. The End of the Tour (2015)Stream it on NetflixMovies