It's 2016, time for new resolutions and a whole bunch of new movies we just can't wait to see! Which movie trailers should you be watching, over and over again, giddy, counting down the days til they're in theaters? Here's a list, in no particular order.
Release date: 12 February 2016
Okay, warning: this is not going to be your typical good-guy hero movie, at all. Even the trailer is NSFW. And prepare yourself: Ryan Reynolds looks like an avocado had ... never mind.
Release date: 16 December 2016
Because we didn't get enough Star Wars in 2015, there's little more in 2016. Yes. All the yes.
Details on this reboot are sketchy (there's not even a trailer yet) but despite all the ridiculous furor (women in the starring roles isn't going to destroy my childhood, or yours either), I'm excited to see this movie.
Release date: 18 November 2016
I just can't wait to be back in the Harry Potter universe again, and who doesn't adore Eddie Redmayne? He's going to be an excellent Newt Scamander.
Release date: 6 May 2016
How is Captain America supposed to choose between Bucky and the rest of the world, including his Avengers?
Release date: 26 February 2016
Words cannot describe how badly I want to see this movie and cheer along... and sing along with the soundtrack. What's not to love? It's the ultimate under-dog story, with wings.
Release date: 5 August 2016
If you haven't had enough DC Comics (or Jared Leto) in your life, 2016 is going to be your year.
Release date: 22 July 2016
"We've got no ship, no crew... how are we gonna get out of this one?" ... with that, and the Beastie Boys "Sabotage" playing, the action starts again.
Release date: 24 June 2016
My only complaint: they're not releasing it on the 4th of July. I'm thrilled so much of the original cast is coming back, because it wouldn't have been the same without them.
Release date: 8 January 2016
I'm pissed they didn't cast a Japanese actor for any of the main roles in this movie, given its setting and cultural significance, but I still want to see it.
Release date: 22 January 2016
I love this trend of books and movies having actual female heroes and protagonists, and this movie features one I think we'll all love, fighting alien invaders to save her little brother.
Release date: 12 February 2016
It doesn't seem possible that the original came out 15 years ago, but whatever, I can't wait to see the sequel! There are so many super-stars in this film... it's going to be so bad!
Release date: 18 March 2016
The first of the two-part finale of the Divergent series, this movie looks just as exciting as the others before it.
Release date: 5 February 2016
This book was so good, a classic book with a zombie twist, as if Lizzie Bennett wasn't already my hero before. Oh my gosh, YES!
Release date: 15 April 2016
Oh my Disney, this re-telling of The Jungle Book looks much more action-packed than the animated movie or the other live-action films.
Release date: 27 May 2016
I'm noticing a trend here, that so many of these movies are sequels or remakes... but never mind! Let's return to Wonderland, shall we?
Release date: 17 June 2016
Dory remembered something! And now she's off to find her family, with a little help from her friends.
Release date: 25 March 2016
How how HOW is any child of Toula and Ian's old enough to be considering college? Didn't they just get married, like, YESTERDAY? No? Well.
Please, please let this be as witty, clever, and fabulous as the original series! Please! There's no trailer yet, so I have no idea, but a peek at the cast list and it looks like there might be a chance!
Based on the incredibly riveting book, this movie stars Emily Blunt and hottie Luke Evans. Again, please let this be as good as I want it to be! Again, no trailer, so how can we know for sure?
Why isn't there a trailer for this movie yet? I demand one, preferably with lots of Colin Firth in it. Please?
Release date: 12 August 2016
Oh dear God, I can't wait to see this movie! I remember it perfectly from my childhood - I was five when it came out - and there's no trailer or even any stills yet, so this announcement will have to do for now. And I *do* want a best friend who's a dragon!
Release date: 19 August 2016
I'll see anything at all with George Takei in it, and this movie looks like I'd love it anyway, even without him, so it's a yes, for sure!
Release date: 26 February 2016
There really weren't a lot of unanswered questions at the end of the first movie, were there? But this trailer drew me in from the first frame, and now I've just got to see it... Netflix or IMAX and chill?
Release Date: 18 March 2016 (in the US)
I saved the one I'm most excited about for last. Truly, this trailer gives me the feels (ALL the feels) each time I watch it... which is often.
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