The Best Thanksgiving Movies for People Who Need to Get in the Mood ...

Thanksgiving is the best time ud83dudd61 in the world ud83cudf0f to watch movies, you'll be stuffed with good ud83dudc4d food, surrounded by your family. I have some staple movies ud83cudfa5 that I watch every single 1ufe0fu20e3 Thanksgiving and they are a tradition. Movies ud83cudfa5 bring people ud83dudeb8 together, so let's break out the popcorn and settle in!

1. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Of course, I had to include this one 1ufe0fu20e3 on ud83dudd1b the list. It is a classic and absolutely one 1ufe0fu20e3 of the best Thanksgiving films out there. Want a film ud83cudfa5 for everyone? This is it!

2. Pieces of April

This is a 2003 classic that is all about Thanksgiving. You know New ud83cudd95 York City ud83cudf03 and the small apartments there and it makes a really interesting backdrop for this particular movie. It is quirky, it is funny ud83dude02 and it is absolutely emotionally satisfying.

3. Son-in-Law

I know, I know, it's a Pauly Shore movie. However, hear ud83dudd09 me out, this is a movie ud83cudfa5 that is not only fantastic but it's a tradition ud83dudc58 that I watch it every single 1ufe0fu20e3 Thanksgiving. If you haven't seen it, go, see it now. No, really, I'll wait.

4. Grumpy ud83dude21 Old Men

This is another movie ud83cudfa5 that is one 1ufe0fu20e3 of my favorites. Not just this one 1ufe0fu20e3 but part two 2ufe0fu20e3 as well. I love ud83dudc91 the men, I love ud83dudc6c the dynamic, I love ufe0f the grumpiness of it all. You'll love ud83dudc9b it too!

5. You've Got Mail

Who doesn't love ud83dudc9b You've Got Mail ud83dudced and little Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks? This one 1ufe0fu20e3 is such a transport ud83dude95 back ud83dudd19 to AOL and that trademark ufe0f 'You've Got Mail' voice ud83cudfa4 (which you just did in your head ud83dudc66ud83cudffd right?).

6. Funny ud83dude02 People

This movie ud83cudfa5 is all about an up ud83dudc46 and coming stand-up comedian who currently works at a deli and yet, still can't figure ud83dudd37 out how to take ud83cudfac off. He hires an assistant and the rest is history!

7. The Blind ud83dude48 Side

The Blind ud83dude48 Side doesn't necessarily focus in on ud83dudd1b Thanksgiving specifically, however it is about a football u26bd star ufe0f and that is sorta Thanksgiving, right? This is one 1ufe0fu20e3 of my wife's favorite movies, especially when it comes to the holidays.

8. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

All they want to do is get home! It's another oldie but another goodie. It's a movie ud83cudfa5 that you'll want to see over and over again, no ud83dude45 matter what!

9. Alice's Restaurant

Yes, this is an older movie ud83cudfa5 but it is still a goodie. At the middle of the movie ud83cudfa5 is all about Thanksgiving. Guthrie visits his friend Alice and he offers to take ud83cudfac her trash ud83dudeae out and when he encounters a landfill that's closed, that's where it all starts.

10. Home ud83cudfe1 for the Holidays

This is one 1ufe0fu20e3 of the most classic Thanksgiving movies ud83cudfa6 out there. It is how all of us feel when we are traveling ud83dude89 home ud83dudc68ud83dudc69ud83dudc67 for the holidays. It takes every single 1ufe0fu20e3 bit of that stress ud83dude13 and places it in a movie.

11. What's Cooking?

This movie ud83cudfa5 is all about family, all about ethnic food ud83cudf6f and all about Thanksgiving and family ud83dudc69ud83dudc69ud83dudc66 coming together. You'll love ud83dudc9a it, especially right ufe0f around the holidays!

12. Sweet ud83cudf6d November

While I am not a huge fan of this movie, it is still one 1ufe0fu20e3 of my wife's favorite. It's one 1ufe0fu20e3 of those movies ud83cudfa5 that you'll love ufe0f or hate. You have 30 days with someone, just 30 days, what happens?

So, now that you've seen my list, what are some of the other movies ud83cudfa5 that you watch during Thanksgiving? Share with us!