Regardless of successful runs or less-than-stellar performances, there are certain plays that should be brought back to Broadway. Broadway theatre has been a part of New York's culture since the mid-1700's. Attracting tourists from around the world, the Broadway theatre district is always bustling with life. This list of plays
]]>Regardless of successful runs or less-than-stellar performances, there are certain plays that should be brought back to Broadway. Broadway theatre has been a part of New York's culture since the mid-1700's. Attracting tourists from around the world, the Broadway theatre district is always bustling with life. This list of plays that should be brought back to Broadway explores plays and musicals that were too recherche to remain in the dark.
After reading the statistics, I know that a few people may find themselves sighing at the mention of this musical. However, I firmly believe that this musical had a lot more to offer to the diverse audiences that came to see it. As a sworn Disney-lover and professed mermaid incarnate, I was extremely sad to see this show go. With a revamp, I am positive that this play could achieve the heights of success that its 'sister-play' The Lion King did.
This next critically-acclaimed play ended its run on Broadway in 2006. The media was immediately drawn to Doubt because of the way it dealt with issues that were often seen as taboo. This led to a film-adaptation starring Meryl Streep; a few television shows also based some of their episode plot-lines on this play (i.e. Law and Order: Special Victim's Unit).
Little Shop of Horrors is one of the most popular musicals amongst Broadway fans and school productions. The story of the meek character Seymour Krelborn is something most of us can relate to; he's a hardworking man who tries to get by living in a horrible neighborhood through any means necessary. Despite owning a copy of the film-version of the musical, I would love to see Little Shop of Horrors back on Broadway.
Known for being Broadway's longest-running musical to be revived, Chicago will remain as one of my favorite plays. While this play is currently being performed at the Hollywood Bowl, I feel that it deserves to be on this list. With showstopping tunes and impressive choreography, New York should not be deprived of this awe-inducing musical!
Gypsy centers around the memoirs of Rose Lee, more commonly known by her burlesque stage name 'Gypsy Rose Lee'. It is based on the story of a stage mother who pushes her children against their wishes to perform in a vaudeville act. As I have only been able to see school productions of Gypsy, I think that it would be great to bring this musical back to Broadway for more audiences to enjoy.
With a seemingly simple plot that is actually riddled with complex thoughts and turns, it would be false to simply label David Auburn's Proof as a mathematical mystery. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this play is more of a character study due its incorporation of characters dealing with different conditions. I wonder if it's obvious how much of a nerd I am for complex writing.
Produced by singer Sir Elton John, Aida was first performed in 2000. Based on a children's storybook, this Egyptian love story is sure to appeal to the hearts of Broadway fans everywhere as it deals with reincarnation and female empowerment! Once you listen to the soundtrack, you are sure to fall in love!
Whether you are a mathematician or artist, at least one of these plays that should be brought back to Broadway will appeal to you. Broadway theatre plays a large part in the entertainment industry because of the immediacy that its stories bring to audiences worldwide. What are some plays that you would like to see back on Broadway?
I'm here to tell you about the new order of women in Star Wars. Star Wars is one of the biggest movie franchises in history. It will just never die proven by the recent addition, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, being released to the public as episode 8 out of
]]>I'm here to tell you about the new order of women in Star Wars. Star Wars is one of the biggest movie franchises in history. It will just never die proven by the recent addition, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, being released to the public as episode 8 out of 9. Supposedly, there will only be nine, excluding Star Wars spin-offs like Rogue One and the new upcoming Han Solo movie. I am confident that there will be a fourth trilogy in the next 10 to 20 years. So prepare yourself for the new order of women in Star Wars.
This past weekend I saw The Last Jedi and enjoyed it, even though I had some issues with the film. I've watched the original Star Wars trilogy since I was four and saw Phantom Menace for my 5th birthday, Attack of the Clones for my 8th, and Revenge of the Sith for my 11th. So when I watched The Last Jedi, comparing it to the previous films including Force Awakens, I noticed something different when it came to the characters. This time the film had more female heroes.
In the original trilogy, the only heroine and the only main female character was, of course, Princess Leia. All other female characters had very few scenes and lines, or no lines at all. With the prequels, Senator Padme is the main heroine. However, the prequels included female Jedi, Queen Amidala's bodyguards, and Shmi Skywalker, Anakin's mom. With Force Awakens, the tide changed as the main character is the main heroine, Rey. With Rey is also Leia and the new characters Maz, a wise, old alien, and Captain Phasma, a stormtrooper for the First Order. But the shift with more female characters was more prevalent in The Last Jedi. Rey, Leia, Maz, and Phasma appeared again but with additional female characters: Rose, Vice Admiral Holdo, and Lt. Connix.
With this trend of female characters, I wonder what episode 9 and possible future Star Wars movies will look like. The only new female characters I don't care for are Rose and Captain Phasma. The parts of The Last Jedi I had issues with were a good amount of scenes with Rose as they had a different tone to the rest of the movie and the whole franchise. Also, the cheesiest and the most awkward moment in the film was a scene with Rose talking to Finn. Captain Phasma, she is a bad guy but we hardly see her do anything and comes off weak. If they altered both of these characters or omitted Rose from the movie and made Phasma more intimidating, the movie could have been greatly improved with this new order of women in Star Wars.
Do you like this new change or not? Please give your answer in the comments and also other things you would like to see happen in the franchise with female characters. May the force be with you.
]]>Who doesn't like fun musicals? I've done theater for years and have not only been in fun shows, but seen some as well. You know, those fun musicals that just make you feel good from beginning to end. These are a few that I love that I think you will
]]>Who doesn't like fun musicals? I've done theater for years and have not only been in fun shows, but seen some as well. You know, those fun musicals that just make you feel good from beginning to end. These are a few that I love that I think you will too.
I performed in this fun musical my senior year of high school. The directors chose Once Upon A Mattress saying, We just wanted a play that was happy and funny from start to finish. And that it was! This play follows Winifred, aka Fred, in this whimsical tale of the Princess and the Pea as she looks to marry Dauntless, a more feminine man to the rough around the edges princess that Fred is. If you're looking for laughs and an all-around good time, make sure to see this show!
I first saw Grease in Piccadilly Circus on a trip to London with my mom. And I loved it! This classic tale works great on stage. You can feel the beat as you start to dance along to the famous tune, Go Grease Lighting, you're burning up the quarter mile. Grease Lighting, go Grease Lighting. Make sure to get out and see this musical.
Though I haven't gotten out to see this show myself, my grandmother did and can't stop raving about it. This classic Disney story comes to life on stage with all the animals from the African Sahara. The costumes are genius; the music is superb! I can't wait to get out and see this musical. Maybe I'll see you there.
This circus-filled classic is full of breathtaking acrobatics that you will love. Any time I see a Cirque-du-Soleil type of show, I'm awestruck. Reviews say that Pippin is the greatest show of the Broadway season. So if you're looking to see contortionists and more, get out and see Pippin.
Get ready to start laughing! This comedy is set in ancient times but is rich in puns. The show includes mistaken identity and the inevitable shenanigans that occur. The original tour on Broadway won several Tony Awards but even watching my friend's high school perform it was entertaining enough. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is full of satirical comments on the social classes.
It's true, anything goes in this musical. I performed in Anything Goes my freshman year of high school and I can still remember the songs. Good authors too who once knew better words / now only use four letters words / writing prose / anything goes. This comedy occurs on a boat as it sails from New York to London. On board: a stowaway in love with an heiress and a public enemy who's helping him win her away from her fiancu00e9. It's definitely worth seeing this fun-spirited musical.
This musical has definitely rose to fame with its music from ABBA. On a tiny island off the coast of Greece, a bride-to-be searches for her father. It's one of three men whom she invites to the island in hopes of finding out which one it is. When her mother realizes that three of her old flings are coming back to visit, she's unsure what to do. This musical remains a classic to this day.
Sometimes I think it's fun to get out and see a musical that just makes you feel good. With strong music and light-hearted plot, these musicals are a great spring-board for shows to see with friends. What are some other great musicals to check out?
]]>There's nothing I love better than when a really great movie because a movie franchise as long as it doesn't suck, of course. Actually, that's a lie, because I love plenty of franchises that get a little iffy somewhere in the middle, but still start and end strongly. Others, however,
]]>There's nothing I love better than when a really great movie because a movie franchise as long as it doesn't suck, of course. Actually, that's a lie, because I love plenty of franchises that get a little iffy somewhere in the middle, but still start and end strongly. Others, however, are awesome all the way through! Some consist only of two or three movies, others have five or more. You can see which is which by checking out the list of stellar movie franchises I put together below!
Price: $90.69 at
The LOTR trilogy is, in my estimation, the most stellar movie franchise ever. It's also my very, very favorite. I have two sets of the trilogy, the regular version and the extended version, and I went nutso when the flicks were in theatres. I've seen them goodness knows how many times, love the casting, own the soundtracks do you see why there's just no room in my head for Twilight?
Price: $14.99 at
The X-Men franchise is my second favorite, and believe me, if I could have included First Class in there, I would have. I love the X-Men. I get a little warm and fuzzy every time I find out that there's a new flick on the agenda. However, I've said it once and I'll say it again: more love for Gambit, please!
Price: $50.99 at
I absolutely cannot wait for part two of The Deathly Hallows. It actually took me a while to get into Harry Potter. I resisted the movies and the books a few years after they came out, mainly because I was full of LOTR. (However, I'm proud to say I never joined into that childish LOTR vs. HP war, because they're both stellar movie franchises, you know?) Once I got into them, though, I really got into them! To the point where I own and proudly wear a Slytherin tie. Hissss! Boo!
Price: $31.52 at
Currently, it's nearly impossible to find the complete Saw box set, but that's kind of okay. Movies one through three were packed full of awesome sauce and gruesomeness, but the films slacked off a bit in the middle before building up to a climax. If it wasn't vital to the story, I'd advise newcomers to skip four, five, and maybe even six altogether, but you need 'em. Oh well, at least Jigsaw is always entertaining.
Price: $41.49 at
I love these movies. I only watched the first one accidentally, because my dad was playing King of the Remote, and I was sure I'd be bored out of my mind. I wasn't. I was enthralled! If you like The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, and the National Treasure Movies, you'll love Indy!
Price: $69.99 at
This is probably the most stellar movie franchise ever. The Corleone family is more than iconic. Give them a chance, and they'll pull you right back in, too. If you're thinking it's all Mafia madness and shooting, think again and give them a try I swear you won't be sorry. These guys make the Sopranos look like wannabes.
Price: $10.49 at
What? I love the Matrix. There is no spoon. It's not even Neo so much, it's Morpheus, Trinity, and Agent Smith. I just love the special effects and the cinematography and Trinity! Carrie-Anne Moss was crazy amazing in this franchise!
Mind you, these are just my picks for stellar movie franchises. I know a lot of awesome ones aren't on here, like Star Wars, but before you get super mad at me, I have to confess something I've never seen all of them! So I'm not qualified to really say it's stellar yet. But hey, it's cool why don't you tell me what movie franchises you love, instead?
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]]>There are a lot of people whose favorite part of watching the show is the theme song, so it makes sense that there are so many unforgettable theme songs. Some are more recognizable than others and there are probably some you don't even realize you know. Personally, I love theme
]]>There are a lot of people whose favorite part of watching the show is the theme song, so it makes sense that there are so many unforgettable theme songs. Some are more recognizable than others and there are probably some you don't even realize you know. Personally, I love theme songs and I wish there were more on TV now. So let's take a look at some of my favorite unforgettable theme songs!
Who can resist finishing the sentence "In West Philadelphia born and raised...?!" I know I can't! This is probably one of the most recognized theme songs for my generation. I can't think of a theme song that more people I know could finish without even hesitating. It's so rare that there are original theme songs on TV these days, but this song shows that sometimes theme songs live on longer than the show itself.
This isn't an original theme song, but anytime that someone hears "I'll be There for You" by The Rembrandts I'm sure they think of "Friends." Not only is this song catchy, but it also describes the friendships in the show perfectly. I love "Friends" and I really love the song too. Everyone loves a catchy song and it doesn't hurt if the show it's connected to is great too!
Another original theme song! These are my favorite kind because they're tailor made for the show which makes them special. This song is even more fun because of the snaps involved. Thinking of this song makes me want to go watch the show, now that I think about it maybe that's what I'll go do. I guess that's what makes a theme song successful and therefor unforgettable.
One of the only shows on TV these days with a theme song, let alone an original theme song I had to put it on this list! It may not go down in the history books as one of the best theme songs ever, but that's probably because "The Big Bang Theory" is still on. I love this theme song and wouldn't be surprised if, years after the show has ended people still find themselves singing it randomly.
"Here's the story of a man named Brady" There are probably people who could resist finishing this song, but I'm not one of them. Even while typing this list I'm humming the song to myself. What is great about this song is that it is a great intro for the show if nobody has ever seen it before. The song is a perfect way to give the background story of the show in a fun and catchy way!
This may not be an original song, but it is definitely a lot of fun to sing and dance to. Also, it has become almost synonymous with "Happy Days." Who can forget that's where the catchy tune is from? For a lot of people, especially younger people, watching this show is probably the first and only time they've heard the song. I don't know what could make a theme song more unforgettable than being so synonymous with a TV show.
I love this song. I may be biased because of my love for "Golden Girls," but I think it's a great and unforgettable theme song. I wouldn't say it's the most unforgettable out of all of the songs on this list, but it definitely is for me and my friends. "Thank you for being a friend" is a great first line to start off a song that sweetly describes friendship. If you can't remember how this song goes, then go watch an episode and refresh your memory!
Well, now that I have "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song stuck in my head I wonder which theme songs are your favorites? Sadly not all shows have theme songs that make a lasting impression on their fans. What theme songs did I miss that you would have put on a list?
]]>I'm a huge fan of comic books and, more often than not, I'm a huge fan of the movies that come from comic books as well. Not always, of course there have been some real stinkers out there. Still, I love action and fantasy and lots of butt kicking, so
]]>I'm a huge fan of comic books and, more often than not, I'm a huge fan of the movies that come from comic books as well. Not always, of course there have been some real stinkers out there. Still, I love action and fantasy and lots of butt kicking, so many of my favorite flicks are derived from comic books. In fact, you can see which ones thrill me the most by checking out some great movies based on comic books!
Price: $8.49 at
This is unquestionably a great movie based on comic books. In fact, it is my favorite of all time! Actually, I could have cheated and listed every single X-Men flick on the list, but suffice it to say that I love them all. The Last Stand was actually my favorite-favorite, but it all began here. Although to this day, I cannot stand Rogue at all at least, in movie form. Also, somebody needs to give Gambit more love.
Price: $6.99 at
Again, I could have included most of the movies in the Batman franchise not just the ones starring Christian Bale, but also the ones starring Michael Keaton, who is awesome, and Batman Forever (I know, sorry; I liked the villains) but not Batman and Robin. That was awful. This was one of the darkest Batman movies in life, though, which is why I think it does the comics justice.
Price: $6.94 at
Spider-Man is another great movie based on comic books but I have to confess that I also have a huge thing for Tobey Maguire. To the point that I don't even know if I want to watch the revamped franchise, you know? Tobey made a great Peter Parker and yes, y'all, I loved the first, second, and third movies!
Price: $7.99 at
You know, I've always loved Robert Downey, Jr., ever since he was a sort-of-member of the Brat Pack, even when he was going through rehab after rehab but I had my doubts that he could pull off Tony Stark. And I was totally wrong. He was awesome. I actually haven't seen the second movie yet (I know, I suck), but I'm dying to, let me tell you!
Price: $7.49 at
I bet a lot of people didn't even know this was a comic book! A rather obscure little series, yes, but a comic book to be sure. I actually haven't read the books myself, I confess, but I do love the movie. You know why? Tommy Lee Jones. I said it!
Price: $6.61 at
Here's another great movie based on comic books, although many people don't realize that. They think this movie and its equally awesome sequel were based on the television show. Bits and pieces of it were, but for the most part, the movies came from the books written by Charles Addams himself. And I am so glad they did.
Price: $9.99 at
This movie's pretty old by now, but it's still hilarious. I mean, this movie is awesome, and the way it's done captures the feeling of the comic books. Plus, hey, it's one of the only movies where Madonna was actually really good.
Price: $9.99 at
I know that the majority of everyone in the world hated this movie, but I loved it. I mean, I just loved it. And I think they did a pretty good job, bringing the comic book to life. Of course, I might just be in love with Michael Cera's beta male deliciousness, I don't know.
As you can see, I'm crazy about a lot of great movies based on comic books. Of course, I'm sure a lot of people about there are willing to debate about whether or not some of these are great! Still, do you like it when comic books are made into movies, or would you rather stick to the original graphic novels?