Movies11 Best movies like Three OClock HighStream it on Starz1. Better Off Dead... (1985)2. The New Guy (2002)3. We the Party (2012)Stream it on Epix, Amazon Prime Video, DIRECTV, Hulu4. Senior Skip Day (2008)5. She's Having a Baby (1988)Stream it on DIRECTV, Starz6. Sixteen Candles (1984)Stream it on DIRECTV7. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)Stream it on Netflix, Sling TV8. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991)Stream it on DIRECTV, Max Go, Cinemax Amazon Channel9. Expelled (2014)Stream it on Netflix10. All I Wanna Do (1998)11. Easy A (2010)Stream it on Sling TVMovies