Movies17 Best movies like The Railway Man1. Glory (1989)2. Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)3. Rosewood (1997)4. Catch a Fire (2006)Stream it on Netflix, Sling TV5. The Killing Fields (1984)Stream it on DIRECTV6. Amazing Grace (2006)7. Manderlay (2005)8. Belle (2013)9. Selma (2014)Stream it on FXNow, DIRECTV10. Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)11. Hidden Figures (2016)Stream it on FXNow, Disney Plus12. Cry Freedom (1987)Stream it on Starz, DIRECTV, Starz Play Amazon Channel13. Django Unchained (2012)Stream it on Netflix14. 12 Years a Slave (2013)15. Amistad (1997)Stream it on DIRECTV16. The Birth of a Nation (2016)17. The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (2019)Stream it on NetflixMovies