Movies14 Best movies like The Monster SquadStream it on Amazon Prime Video, DIRECTV1. The Phantom (1996)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video2. Highlander: Endgame (2000)Stream it on DIRECTV, HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO Now Amazon Channel, HBO Max3. The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (2004)4. Masters of the Universe (1987)Stream it on Starz, DIRECTV5. The Scorpion King (2002)6. The Mummy (1999)7. Red Sonja (1985)8. The Last Dragon (1985)9. The Golden Child (1986)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video10. The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1973)Stream it on IndieFlix11. The Medallion (2003)12. Your Highness (2011)Stream it on DIRECTV, HBO Go, HBO Now, HBO Max13. Dungeons & Dragons (2000)14. The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)Movies