Movies17 Best movies like If Lucy Fell1. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)2. My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)Stream it on DIRECTV, Showtime3. The Goodbye Girl (1977)4. How Do You Know (2010)Stream it on DIRECTV5. Before We Go (2014)6. Waiting to Exhale (1995)7. Definitely, Maybe (2008)Stream it on Starz, DIRECTV8. As Good as It Gets (1997)Stream it on Netflix9. Sleepless in Seattle (1993)Stream it on DIRECTV, Showtime, Showtime Amazon Channel10. Manhattan (1979)Stream it on DIRECTV11. Falling in Love (1984)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video12. Waiting to Exhale (1995)13. A Lot Like Love (2005)14. 27 Dresses (2008)15. Picture Perfect (1997)Stream it on DIRECTV, HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO Max, HBO Now Amazon Channel16. Broken English (2007)17. Moonstruck (1987)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video, TCMMovies