Movies16 Best movies like Gloria BellStream it on Amazon Prime Video1. The Proposal (2009)Stream it on IndieFlix2. The Lovers (2017)Stream it on Netflix3. Admission (2013)4. Definitely, Maybe (2008)Stream it on Starz, DIRECTV5. All I Wish (2017)Stream it on Disney Plus, Netflix, Yupp TV, Amazon Prime Video6. Sleeping with Other People (2015)Stream it on Netflix7. The Meddler (2015)Stream it on Starz, DIRECTV, Starz Play Amazon Channel8. Permission (2017)Stream it on DIRECTV9. 50/50 (2011)Stream it on Showtime, DIRECTV, Showtime Amazon Channel10. Cyrus (2010)11. Izzy Gets the Fuck Across Town (2017)12. Dean (2016)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video13. Learning to Drive (2014)14. Made of Honor (2008)15. Polish Wedding (1998)16. The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)Stream it on Showtime, Showtime Amazon ChannelMovies