Movies11 Best movies like First ManStream it on Max Go1. Capricorn One (1977)Stream it on Max Go, DIRECTV, Cinemax Amazon Channel2. The Martian (2015)Stream it on FXNow, DIRECTV3. Space Cowboys (2000)Stream it on Sling TV, DIRECTV4. Gray Lady Down (1978)5. The Way Back (2010)6. In the Heart of the Sea (2015)7. Gagarin: First in Space (2013)8. Vertical Limit (2000)Stream it on DIRECTV, Starz9. Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)10. Marooned (1969)Stream it on Hulu11. From the Earth to the Moon (1998)Stream it on HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO Now Amazon Channel, DIRECTVMovies