Movies15 Best movies like City of Life and DeathStream it on Fandor, Fandor Amazon Channel1. Schindler's List (1993)Stream it on Netflix2. Roots (1977)3. Come and See (1985)Stream it on Criterion Channel4. Downfall (2004)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video5. Selma (2014)Stream it on FXNow, DIRECTV6. Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg (1990)7. Amen. (2002)Stream it on Sundance Now8. The Killing Fields (1984)Stream it on DIRECTV9. Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)10. Conspiracy (2001)Stream it on HBO Go, HBO Now, DIRECTV, HBO Now Amazon Channel, HBO Max11. The Last King of Scotland (2006)Stream it on Max Go, DIRECTV, Cinemax Amazon Channel12. Invictus (2009)13. Downfall (2004)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video14. Bloody Sunday (2002)15. Breaker Morant (1980)Stream it on Criterion ChannelMovies