Movies17 Best movies like Celeste Jesse Forever1. Waiting to Exhale (1995)2. Breaking Up (1997)3. Love Jones (1997)Stream it on HBO Max4. Love & Sex (2000)5. Dying Young (1991)6. Love Affair (1994)7. How to Be Single (2016)8. Charlotte Sometimes (2002)Stream it on HBO Now Amazon Channel9. My Faraway Bride (2006)10. The Story of Us (1999)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video11. Friends & Lovers (1999)Stream it on Sling TV, DIRECTV, HBO Max12. Perfect Opposites (2004)Stream it on Hulu13. Happythankyoumoreplease (2010)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video14. How Do You Know (2010)Stream it on DIRECTV15. The Best Man (1999)Stream it on Starz, DIRECTV16. Fall (1997)Stream it on Amazon Prime Video, Sundance Now, BritBox, BritBox Amazon Channel, Sling TV17. Claire of the Moon (1992)Stream it on Epix, Amazon Prime Video, DIRECTVMovies